Tags: fashion industry, Industry Insiders, laws, Models

Back in April, France shook up the fashion world by enacting new laws banning models below a certain wait from walking during Paris Fashion Week. These laws finally came into effect last week and fashion execs are not happy.  Repercussions include harsh fines up to $80k and even jail sentences.  A doctor’s note with a clean bill of health and an appropriate BMI will now be required to walk.  Also, print ads, which use photoshop, will be required to disclose that they used the photo editing software.  Together with countries such as Israel, Italy and Spain, France is now taking significant measures to prevent underweight models.


While we here at PLVSH believe this is a huge step in the right direction, some say that the step is taking things too far.  Critics say that they law makes broad assumptions of what’s healthy and that the photoshop laws interfere with a photographers creative license. It’s not just the model’s weight being altered, they say, but the lighting and feel of the photograph to create an appealing image.

“We always aim to cast healthy models for our runway shows, lookbooks and e-commerce shoots. We have an obligation as designers to show our customers and young women everywhere that healthy is chic. I think the ruling in France is a great step.” – Rebecca Minkoff

With no laws created in the United States yet there has been a hug movement in the last few years towards a body positive image and so we hope it is just a matter of time until we follow suit.


The post KEEPING RUNWAY MODELS HEALTHY appeared first on Plvsh Style.

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