Ragina of A Curious Fancy is this month’s Plvsh Style Crush, where we feature a plus size blogger making waves with her unique style. Self described as “A plus size fashion blog with a side of vintage.” she features her fondness of the eccentric in her looks since she started her fashion blog in 2010. Lately she has been branching out into the DIY and beauty realms as well with her post. We are in love with this rule breaking white summer look in her recent post!

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Oh June. You’ve been bad news ever since you arrived. But yesterday evening at the park was a welcome change, in on again-off again showers and the company of old friends and new. I’d been wanting to wear this ASOS dress ever since it arrived, along with my new sandals which I eventually drenched in a puddle. Mostly, I’m relieved that Bangalore seems to have gotten it’s weather back, at least for a while.
See the whole outfit post at: http://curiousfancy.com/post/145922545581/oh-june-youve-been-bad-news-ever-since-you
The post PLVSH STYLE CRUSH, JULY 2016 EDITION appeared first on Plvsh Style.