Plus size women are often pre-categorized in film and have often been type-casted due to their curvier figures. We have noticed that full-bodied actresses are being accepted into more and more different roles! We are also excited to see that the entertainment industry is embracing plus sized women for who they are: talented, beautiful and capable women.
While the world seems to be embracing plus size women and their need for style, there are still some evident stereotypes in Hollywood. Plus size actresses are breaking the mold with their talent and determination. However, there are a few not as ideal roles that plus size actresses still often fill.
The Hollywood Stereotypes:

Melissa McCarthy ©2016/Mary Ellen Matthews/NBC
Melissa Mccarthy has revolutionized the “funny” woman in Hollywood. We have not seen very many women like her until now on screen. She has definitely made her mark in comedy. Melissa is brilliant and makes being hilarious look effortless.
With all that being said, it is easy for plus sized actresses to get type-casted into that role in a negative light to often. Yes, Melissa easily gets laughs, but it can be upsetting to always see the full-figured character instantly become the funny friend. It is almost angering when her weight becomes the joke. Nobody’s body should be the joke coming out of someone’s mouth. Unfortunately, curvier women experience this often on television.
Luckily, these women are extremely confident role models. They are comfortable in their own bodies, enough so to take jokes and crack a few themselves. However, it would be nice for movies to portray plus sized women a bit more accurately. Yes, women are funny, but there are still many
depths to be explored by plus sized actresses.

Queen Latifah
The Tomboy
Tomboys are played by all shapes and sizes in movies; however, we cannot help but notice that many plus size characters can be portrayed as less than feminine. Not all women are feminine and we get that, but there needs to be a balance. It is nice to see plus size actresses that portray the ultra-femme.
Plus size actresses would love to break out of these stereotyped roles. In fact, there have been plenty of roles that defy these plus size portrayals. Who can forget Queen Latifah being the love interest of LL Cool J? Those movies that portray curvy women being attractive and sexy are refreshing and a very accurate portrayal. It is exciting to see when full women are the love interest and it does depict real life.
Pursuing Love, Not Pursued
We do not often see plus size characters as the main love interest. Usually, they are the ones with the secret crush, often believing they have little chance of being swept off of their feet. It is lovely for the audience to watch the beautiful, curvy woman end up with her Prince Charming!
There are roles that we want to see beautiful plus size women in. There are roles that the actresses themselves would also love to take on. Danielle Brooks of Orange is the New Black has said that she would love to do action films. Come to think of it, we would love to see these women in actions films. Here are a few other roles that we want to see plus size actresses grace with their presence:
Here are a few other roles that we want to see plus size actresses grace with their presence:
Sex Symbol
The sex symbols is a common character for all genres. Who better to play this role than a woman with out-of-this world curves? There are many plus size actresses that have real curves that can definitely fill the role of the Sex Symbol.
Girl Next Door
The Girl Next Door is a sweet, attractive role that is not typically filled by plus size actresses. Cause really any sized woman can be the girl next door and play it flawlessly. It has nothing to do with size!

Kathy Bates
Action Hero
Plus size women are active obviously and this should be portrayed more in film. They are capable of doing many challenges that make up action films. We would love to see curvy women jumping in and out of moving vehicles. They, too, can climb up a building and shimmy down some pipes to find the hidden treasure.
The fact is that women are women. They all have diverse skills, talents and abilities. They all experience the same desires and emotions. Body size is what differentiates plus size women from non-plus size women. Body types should not determine stereotypes.
Plus Size Celebrity Fashion
These plus size actresses always look amazing both on and off the red carpet. And these beautiful, plus size actresses have much to do with setting trends for all plus size women and non-plus size women alike. Now, it is easy for curvy women to find beautiful clothes like that of these actresses.
The stylists that dress them have taken over Hollywood it seems, dressing the biggest up and coming celebrities. We are seeing more and more stunning red carpet looks, with sometimes even the actresses helping with the design!
The best-dressed list is seeing more and more diversity thanks to stylists like Susan Moses who has dressed Queen Latifah, Wynonna Judd, Jill Scott, Kathy Bates, and Nikki Blonsky. Fashion bloggers are also diving into the celebrity styling realm. Plvsh stylist Meaghan O’Connor has styled Orange Is The New Black star Adrienne Moore for the SAG Awards, and Tess Holliday for many television appearances. Other fashion experts like Marcy Guevara are busy running her business The Plus Bus while also serving as stylist for up and comer Gabourey Sidibe. Even otherwise costume designers are styling on the red carpet, Timothy Snell was stylist to the infamous Whitney Houston and has since then dressed Michael Costello and Queen Latifah. Plus too many more to name!
Celebrity Collaborations
Clothing stores like Lane Bryant have been around for a long time and have made it a point to lead the industry trends. As a result, Lane Bryant and many others have actually collaborated with a few of our favorite plus size celebrities. These collaborations have taken plus size fashion to the next level. Melissa Mccarthy is one of these women with her Seven7 line. The clothing options are as unique as the actress that they represent.
Another notable plus size collaboration includes Rebel Wilson’s X Angels line. Her new fashion line is available in stores this summer and we cannot wait to have another powerful plus size line to choose from. These incredible collaborations bring many options, including plus size business and formal fashion.

Rebel Wilson
The Future of The Entertainment Industry
Just like the entertainment industry is embracing and challenging plus size actresses, so is the fashion world embracing and challenging plus size women. Plus size actresses have come a long way in Hollywood, while plus size clothing choices have evolved with the times. As a result, there is no more pre categorizing any women into anything. All plus size actresses should be offered roles and unique and inspiring as they are to all those around them.
The post PORTRAYAL OF PLUS SIZE ACTRESSES ON SCREEN AND NOW appeared first on Plvsh Style.